The secret to success in life is making sure that we are aligned with the heart of God. Our identity, our hope, our faith. All in the work of Jesus. The practical way that outworks in our life is to line up with the mission of God. Why did Jesus come? What was His plan? If you know Jesus does it really matter if you take the mission of Jesus seriously - after all you are going to heaven anyway? Discover MISSIØ DEI and how your world will forever be different because if it.

07.09.14 - Part 1 - God's plan for all is grace

What was the plan of God from the very beginning for your life & the people in your world? It was to be transformed by His love & grace and to pour that into the world. In the Charismatic church in particular we have fallen into 2 traps - performance christianity and experience thrill seekers. Jesus though showed a different way. Andrew teaches from the story of Zacchaeus that our mission is the same as Jesus - transform the world with grace. Learn how to live in freedom & stability no matter what comes your way.

To listen to the audio mp3 podcast CLICK HERE

14.09.14 - Part 2 - Grace is good news. Not good advice

Most christians are primarily concerned with WHAT they are doing. Jesus at the start of His ministryin Luke 4 told people WHY HE had come. That is the message of why we are here today and it is a message of freedom, deliverance, forgiveness, wholeness & hope. It is the best news that any man, woman or child could ever receive. It is not just good advice - it is amazing news of an amazing new era of grace & love from God to man. This will change your world.

To listen to the audio mp3 podcast CLICK HERE

21.09.14 - Part 3 - How Grace transforms the ordinary

This is for all the normal people out there. Do you feel ordinary? Do ordinary things every day? What does grace have to do with ordinary people? Jesus did not come for the superstars alone but for ordinary people. In this story from Luke 5, Andrew talks about grace invading the lives of normal people doing normal things. People who were not even looking for God and how Jesus & His grace transformed, envisioned and radically altered lives forever. This is for all the "ordinary" people

To listen to the audio mp3 podcast CLICK HERE

28.09.2014 - Part 4 - How to share the manifold Grace of God

Some of the most powerful keys for successful living are found in 1st Peter 4. Simply we are told to take the gift that God has given us, use His ability in us, make sure ALL that we do is for the Glory of God and He will do immeasurably more than you can ever hope or imagine. This powerful talk encourages us to keep on loving the & pouring our grace the way that God does to us. The results will transform you.

To listen to the audio mp3 podcast CLICK HERE